Setting Up Files (Print)
Friday, 2/10 – Studio
- Download the the example.
- Unzip the file (no need to upload to git)
- Follow along
- Open the InDesign file
- Navigate to File / Document Set up. Observe the bleed.
- Navigate to Edit / Transparency Blend Space / Observe the color space
- Open up the layers panel. Observe the two layers: “artwork” and “live text.” Try unlocking and viewing the hidden layer.
- Open up the “Info” panel by going up to Window / Info (or pressing f8)
- Click on the photograph on page 2. Observe Actual PPI, Effective PPI, and Color Space. Actual PPI is the actual resolution of the image at 100%, effective PPI is the resolution of the image when scaled in InDesign. For print work, you need to have at least 300 DPI effective DPI. Try changing the size of the image and see how it changes. Try downloading an image from google and placing it onto the page. Observe how the PPI is changing.
- Notice that the color space is RGB. For school printing, skip to step 18
In a professional setting:
You need to have CMYK for print. To fix this navigate to the “links” folder. and continue following through step 13. For the school printer, you don’t need to do this - Open the original photograph in Photoshop
- Duplicate the image by going to Image / Duplicate. Remove “copy” from the title. Save the new file in a new folder called “CMYK_links” in the packaged InDesign folder.
- Set up your screen to have both images side by side. To do this go to Window / Arrange / 2 Up Vertical and save your new file
- In your new file, go to Proof Set Up / Custom / and select Coated GRAcol 2006 hit OK
- Now you can see the differences in colors between the two files. If you wanted to adjust the colors you would do so here.
- When happy with the changes, convert to CMYK by going to Edit / Convert to Profile… and select Coated GRACol 2006. Hit Ok. Save the image.
- Navigate back to the InDesign document.
- Open up the Links panel and hit the three lines button in the corner. Select “Relink to Folder” and select your cmyk links folder.
- Check out the info panel on the image.
- Outline the text by pressing command shift and o.
- Save the file and normally you would package it up.
- Export as a PDF by hitting command E. Select “Adobe PDF Print”
- Choose High Quality Print. Go to Marks and Bleeds and select “Crop Marks” and also select “Use document bleed settings.”