
Week 10

4/4 – 4/7

Tuesday, Studio

  • James Bridle lecture
  • Discussion on Beyond Pong
  • Nika lectures on Archiving the Net
  • Is it important to archive the internet? Why or why not? Why are you choosing to archive your memory?
  • Students get into pairs. Each pair will go up in front of the class. Student A will present their work, Student B will lead the discussion.
  • Questions to consider:
    1.  Which direction is the most clear? Why?
    2.  Is the element that’s being archived apparent?
    3.  How is the written memory integrated into the site in each direction? Which way is most in tune with the design? What would make the design and the memory feel more unified?
    4.  What kind of emotions remind you of the memory? Is this apparent in the design decisions?
    5.  How would a person younger than you understand your site? What about someone older?
    6.  What would make someone want to archive this page?
    7.  How does the original role of the element differ historically than on this website?
    8.  What are other ways of adding ineractions to the site that will help tell your story?
    9.  How can the element change with the user interacting with it?
    10.  How can the memory and element work better together?
  • Class work time


Wednesday, Lab


  • Prepare for next week’s in-class jQuery quiz
  • Ana presents the next Weekly Interest

Friday, Studio

  • Nafisa presents on James Bridle
  • Carol presents on Paul Ford, What is Code?
  • Discussion
  • Class work day
  • Individual meetings with Nika


  • Continue working on the project. Please have 3 finalized sketches of your project. This means 3 completely different looking directions with enough information that a programmer would know how to program it.
  • Read chapters 3 and 4 of Paul Ford, What is Code